IT Projects

Our service package also consists of offers aimed at the law firms and customer services enterprises which improve their work efficiency.

Our team consists of the enthusiastic, creative and qualified people who will be able to develop YOUR VISION through OUR SOLUTIONS.

Our experience enables us to offer advanced IT solutions to our clients at every stage of the software development process:

  • Client's IT need analysis,
  • Requirement management,
  • Business process management - BPMN, UML, VACD, EPC,
  • Design in accordance with the newest specifications, such as TOGAF,
  • Development using the reliable methods such as Agile/SCRUM,
  • Controlled implementation,
  • System support.

Our expertise

  • business analysis: BPMN, UML and ERD modelling,
  • system analysis: use cases, data modelling,
  • system analysis: screen design,
  • system analysis: ergonomics,
  • system analysis: defining the functional and non-functional requirements,
  • testing: automatic testing implementation outlines,
  • testing: functional and automatic tests,
  • application servers: JBoss, WebSphere Application Server, Oracle Weblogic Server, Tomcat,
  • administration: setting up self-developed systems and systems developed by other companies,
  • server administration: Windows Server 2008 and 2012,
  • business Intelligence – ETL,
  • business Intelligence – creating reports and studies,
  • SOA: developing environments using architectures with SOA support,,
  • SOA: developing access services,,
  • SOA: ESB configuration and management,
  • the JAVA, J2EE, JEE technologies expert-level knowledge,
  • the Eclipse environment expert-level knowledge,
  • the product presentation and study-course preparation,
  • software development using the most widely used languages and environments,